While others incorporate a general agenda, We incorporate Passion, Innovation, Detail and Exclusivity.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week 7 Retailing

Retailing as we know it is a direct infraction of two key components, Sale of goods and services. As an Independent retailer we provide goods of extensive quality and brand names our consumers love, We also provide services such as Automotive Collision repair, Automotive Performance Overhaul, and Automotive Ecu Management and Tuning. The Gross margin we set on our products are comfortable and subtle. We understand the moment in time we are currently operating  in. We accommodate our consumers with exclusive pricing and  customer service. Our specialty has always been in the Automotive field complementing vehicles with great potential. We've set up an online retailing website (www.Vraceworks.com) which gives our consumers the felicity of seeing items before being purchased online from home. The Retailing mix we abide by is quite simple, Product, Place, Promotion, Price, Presentation, and Personnel which if I may add has had a substantial influence on our business as a whole. Our product offering is superb in nature we offering products people need and want which is why we are on top of our Game.

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