While others incorporate a general agenda, We incorporate Passion, Innovation, Detail and Exclusivity.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week 5 Developing a Global Vision

In order to attack global markets you must have products that scream look at me. Our Global vision in tales cars which throughout time has always been a center of attraction for human beings as a whole so it wasn't difficult to market overseas. We market superiority which is why we never get taken out by competitors. We cater to all ethnicities and races which is why we're in the Global runnings. Cars as a whole has always been a culture most people are a part of whether it be the Toyota family, the Honda family, or the Mercedes family we sell products that favor most model and makes. 40% of our business has been from companies and consumers overseas.Our Promotional strategies are neutral in nature and cover a wide base of consumers which is why we really don't have to adapt to a specific group of consumers.The fact that we are located in New York also gives us a huge amount of virtual tourism that counts for about 1 third of our business.

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