While others incorporate a general agenda, We incorporate Passion, Innovation, Detail and Exclusivity.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

FF Squad - "A Day in the Life Of..."

Our Fellow Civic Enthusiast over on the West Coast

Ksport Takes 4 Podium Finishes at Super Lap Battle

V RACE WORKS is the KSPORT Northeast Dealer and this was the Super Lap Battle

Week 14 Segmenting and Targeting Markets

The Market in which we revolve around consist of individuals that have a set of specialized needs and wants to which we cater to. All of our consumers fall into a specific market segment making it easy to provide products that each of our subgroups will desire. Our market segmentation skills allows us to meet the needs of large groups of people by dividing those who would want to spend over $200 dollars on Function 7 lower control arms versus those who would want to spend under $200 dollars on Skunk2, Blox, K Sport or Blackworks. We treat all of our customer equally but segment consumers based on there segmentation variables such as characteristics of an individual or group for example age and spending limit. Its our method of demographic segmentation with every age, gender, and ethic background comes an income and a family life cycle. Family life cycle meaning where you stand in life as far as age, marital status, and whether or not children are present because believe or not these are variable that affect personal spending habits. We don't encourage psychographic segmentation for reasons such as variety in personality, motives, and lifestyle, It would be ludacris to insinuate mind reading capabilities. A lot of our new customer can be broken into two groups being either part of the optimizers or satisficers.  Optimizers are consumer who research numerous suppliers and study all proposals carefully before approaching a specific distributor. Satisficers are those who just appear and purchase merchandise to satisfy product and delivery deadlines. All of our consumers are part of  a vast target market  to which we meet specific needs and wants. We abide by the Undifferentiated targeting strategy because it allows us to visualize the market as one big market with no individual segments and thus uses a single diverse marketing mix that everyone will love. One on One marketing allows us to build long term personal and profitable relationships with each customer. Every week we use a tactic called positioning where we influence a customers overall perception of a brand and/or product by focusing on the specific brand and/or product.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Week 13 Developing and Managing Products

Developing and Managing products is a very intuitive aspect of our business. When we acquire a New product we introduce it to the public as best we can by stating the function and varying features of the item. As retailers we deal more with the Managing aspect of the marketing circle, We leave the developmental stage to our distributors such as Skunk2, Password Jdm, Hybrid Racing, etc. They count on us to manage the product and provide customer feedback on the product. We are currently allocating a restrictive design for high quality Honda/Acura Lower Control Arms complements of Skunk2. Brainstorming is always the most extensive and challenging part of our days, We conjure up new ideas for promotional merchandise that all of our consumers will enjoy and it only works towards the benefit of the business and the satisfaction of our customers. Screening without a doubt is the first stage in product development, Any inconsistency in the product at hand receives its first and final fine tune. The product then goes through a concept test that allows us to analyze whether or not the product is doing exactly what we would like it to be doing and if there were any remaining inconsistency in the structure of the product. Once all the preliminary studies are completed we proceed with Simulated market testing which allows us to obtain feedback from members of the targeted market.Commercialization usually goes into affect immediately after the simulation for the simple fact that we always meet the consumers desires. V Race Works is currently enhancing the product line by adopting K Tuned products and as a result experiencing a massive growth stage as a company.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week 12 Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Consumers are the reason most if not all companies exist today. Our Customer Relationship Management program allows us to optimize overall income and customer satisfaction by acknowledging customers questions and purchasing habits which in other words is income and customer satisfaction. Most of our everyday customers that have walked into the business have established a Customer-centric relationship with us. We have learned the style and purchasing power of most of our consumer through general feedback on products and services provided. We have used the information obtained to allow us to meet all of our customers wants and needs. We developed Knowledge management through faithful customers and in return provide them with promotional apparel, key chains, stickers, and license plate frames. Empowerment allows us to handle a customers situation on the spot, Our staff are composed of very enduring personal which will resolve any problem on the table with respect to the business and customer. Interaction is key to sustaining a strong business,  We've built learning relationships with our customers which in fact help us help them. Point-of-sale interactions are always positive and end with a brief conversation of return to purchase another item desired by the consumer. We rely much on our database interface for reference in different fields of business. Campaign management entails offerings of products or services with phenomenal discounts to further strenghten relationships between V Race Works and our loyal customers.

Sunday, November 14, 2010



Week 11 Integrated Marketing Communication

Market communications rely on Promotion to persuade customers to dwell on an item of choice and to induce a train of thought that will eventually give the customer a since of curiosity. Our Promotional Strategy consists of many different aspects that call customers' attention. We advertise all of our items on www.B20vtec.com and www.Vraceworks.com. Our public relations manager puts us out to the public exposing areas that are most likely to be interesting  to our general clientèle, for example posting meeting dates, special offers, and wholesale opportunities. We are competitively inclined in the automotive industry for the simple fact that we are knowledgeable, meet deadlines, and the products we offer are superior in quality. We've had a massive rein of publicity from www.NYCEs1.com since the day we opened, The style we chose for the store was urban and old school; When people walk into our store they can relate with the graffiti on the walls around the store. We almost always have items on sale which is a big plus with our customers especially in these damaged economic times. We've gotten far with our personal selling strategies that incline low prices and quality parts which makes our customers very happy. Our means of communication revolves around the internet forwarding future and present customers very specific details on products we sale. Every product we sale is accompanied by very elaborate encoding ideas and thoughts that are easy to decode all in itself and is channeled on varies websites on the internet. Our Feedback reflects the work and effort we've put into providing our customers with detailed explanation and comparisons with many other products, giving our customers opinions which put us  amongst the best in the industry. We created a non corporate blog that lets people know when special offers are brewing up and gives customers places of origin and material used on all of our products. The AIDA concept we have adopted pretty much stands on it own, We let our products spark attention, interest, desire, and action which will eventually influence a purchase. Consumers usually follow a sequence which consists of thinking, feeling, and doing. Most our products scream BUY ME! and consumers do just that.