While others incorporate a general agenda, We incorporate Passion, Innovation, Detail and Exclusivity.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 4 The Marketing Environment

Located at 4712 Broadway ave in Manhattan, VRaceWorks caters to a vast and diverse population of customers. Since we're in the Automotive Industry our marketing rays tend to grasp the attention of many different age groups starting from about 17 and older. Curiosity for cars starts developing at about 13 years of age (for males at least), therefore giving a feeling of anticipation so by the time you get your permit the ball of interest can start rolling. Modifying cars has always been a worldwide center of interest. The reason VRaceWorks gets such a strong international population is because we sell our parts with expertise and style.  We provide services for all races and ethnicities from all over the world, including North and South America and across seas into Europe and the Middle East; With every age and location comes a special interest in a certain make of a vehicle, whether it be a 18 year old teenager in New York City that owns a Honda or a 33 year old man in New Jersey that owns a BMW, We meet the needs of each and every individual that inquires about the products we sell.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if you're reading the chapters or not, but, you are not applying the material in the text to what's actually happening in the company.

    More work needs to be done.

